Ministry of
Megapolis and Western Development SCDP
Strategic Cities Development
(WB, AFD & ADB Assisted Urban Development Programme)
Strategic Cities Development Programme is an urban development initiative set up under the Ministry of Megapolis and Western Development with the objective of improving the urban infrastructure, services, mobility, traffic & transport facilities, upgrading of public urban spaces and institutional capacity development of the stakeholders in the selected cities enabling them to effectively manage assets developed through the investment of the programme. The programme aims to bring about transformations in the city regions through strategic investments by leveraging on the city/city region's particular cultural and economic assets.
The Programme is supported by the World Bank and French Development Agency (AFD) and it is currently operational in Kandy, Galle and Jaffna under the World Bank credit facilities and Anuradhapura Integrated Urban Development Project (AIUDP) is supported by the AFD. The value of the investment would be US S 69 million. Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified, experienced, dynamic and committed candidates for the post of Procurement Specialist to work at the AIUDP. The Procurement Specialist will report (i) to the Deputy
Project Director (Procurement), who works at the Program Level; and (ii) to the Additional Project Director Qualifications and experience applicable to each position are as follows.
source: Sunday Observer, mytutor (Srilanka government Gazette)
Salary scale and general conditions:
Salaries are based on the Management Services Circular No. 01/2016 of 24.03.2016 and other relevant Management Services Circulars.
Applicants should be citizens of Sri Lanka and should not be more than 65 years of age.
Applicants should be citizens of Sri Lanka and should not be more than 65 years of age.
Terms and Conditions of Service:
Government servants will be recruited on transfer basis and persons outside the government service will be recruited on contract basis. The contract basis appointments will be initially for a period of one year.
Method of selection:
Shortlisted applicants based on the qualifications and experience will be called for an interview.
Candidates are requested to prepare the application in A4 size paper stating full particulars of qualifications and experience and other relevant information, including telephone number and E-mail address (if available). I should be sent by Registered Post to reach the following address on or before 18.06.2015. The post applied for (with the component/location) should be marked on the top left-hand corner of the envelope. Applicants from the Public/Corporate sector organizations should channel their applications through the respective Heads of Organizations with an advance copy directly to the address given below.
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